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  • Best Paper Award 


Best Paper Award

MJQR Best Paper Award


The MJQR Best Paper Award is an esteemed recognition by the Malaysian Journal of Qualitative Research (MJQR) designed to motivate authors to contribute high-quality research to our journal. This award celebrates exemplary research that advances knowledge in qualitative research and reflects MJQR’s commitment to academic excellence.


Award Criteria

Best Papers are selected based on the following criteria:

  • Originality – Papers should offer new insights or approaches within the field of qualitative research, adding meaningful contributions to existing knowledge.

  • Robustness of Methodology – The research design and methods should be thoroughly detailed, showcasing rigor and appropriateness for the research questions.

  • Quality of Analysis and Discussion – Papers should present a clear, in-depth analysis with insightful discussion, effectively interpreting findings in the context of the study’s objectives and broader implications.

  • Impact and Implication – The study should have relevance and applicability, providing implications for practice, policy, or future research in qualitative methodologies.

  • Language and Writing Style – Submissions should demonstrate clarity, coherence, and professionalism in language, adhering to the high standards of academic writing.


The MJQR Best Paper Award is an annual accolade that encourages authors to submit their finest work, contributing to the journal’s overall impact and academic standing. This award will be presented at the biennial International Qualitative Research Conference (IQRC).

Best Paper Award 2022

Awards 1

The Best Paper Award, presented during IQRC 2023, was won by Dr Maria Mohd Ismail, from the Faculty of Business and Economics, University Malaya for her paper published in MJQR Vol 8(2), November 2022 entitled “A Framework of Collective Transport Planning: Case Study of Local Districts in Kelantan, Malaysia”. She received an NVivo software worth RM3000 (courtesy of Statswork, Malaysia) and a certificate for the award. MJQR Best Paper Awards was presented during the International Qualitative Research Conference (IQRC) 2023.

Best Paper Award 2021

Awards 2

Dr Jim Chai from the University of Nottingham has worked as a hospital clinical pharmacist and a community pharmacist before taking up a lectureship. His PhD research was on ‘Patients’ Lived Experience of Using Insulin Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Management. He is currently an assistant professor within the Division of Social Research in Health and Medicine at the School of Pharmacy, the University of Nottingham Malaysia campus. His main research and teaching interests are public health, health literacy, patients’ experiences of taking medicines, research methodology, and education advancement. MJQR Best Paper Awards was presented during the International Qualitative Research Conference (IQRC) 2021. 

Outstanding Reviewer Award 2020

Best Reviewer Award 2020


The ‘MJQR Outstanding Reviewer Award’ is an initiative by MJQR to acknowledge and recognize reviewers who have provided exemplary assistance in verifying authors’ research work through critical engagement before the publication of an article.


Outstanding Reviewers are those who provide timely, quality, and constructive feedback to authors who have submitted manuscripts to MJQR. 


​One Outstanding Reviewer will be selected from each MJQR issue and will be awarded the MJQR Outstanding Reviewer Award 2020 during the International Qualitative Research Conference 2021 (IQRC 2021) in October 2021.

Awards 3

Manfred Mortell (PhD) is currently an Assistant Professor, at the University of the Bahamas, Nassau, Bahamas. He was previously attached as an Associate Professor at the Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Kuching Malaysia, and earlier at King Fahad Hospital, Nursing Services, Centre of Nursing Education. King Abdul Aziz Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. His most recent publication [Nova Publishing NY, June 2020] is a book, titled, "A Theory for Patient Advocacy: An Islamic Nursing Model". His most current project [YouTube, August 2020], concerns online education, titled “Dr Manny YouTube Learnshops”. He has also published numerous articles in various journals, including the British Journal of Nursing, Journal of the Saudi Heart Association, International Journal of African Nursing Sciences, Malaysian Journal of Nursing, Singapore Nursing Journal, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, and many more. He has been reviewing papers submitted for publication in MJQR since 2018 and has diligently been prompt and comprehensive in his review.

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